
In today’s fast-paced digital economy, businesses must stay agile, efficient, and responsive to succeed. Managing sales and projects across various platforms like Upwork and Freelancer can be a daunting task, often leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. Enter Over-Watch, a comprehensive chat and call sales management system designed to streamline your workflow, enhance productivity, and drive growth.

Key Features of Over-Watch

1. Project Management

Over-Watch offers robust project management tools to help you keep track of every detail. Whether it's tracking milestones, deadlines, or task assignments, our system ensures that your projects are always on course. The intuitive interface allows for easy collaboration, enabling team members to update progress, share documents, and communicate seamlessly.

2. Bid Management

Effective bid management is crucial for securing projects on platforms like Upwork and Freelancer. Over-Watch provides a comprehensive suite of bid management features, including:

  • Bids Written by Employees: Monitor and evaluate the bids submitted by your team, ensuring they align with your standards and strategies.
  • Connects Bundle: Track the usage of connects, helping you manage costs and allocate resources effectively.
  • Project Landed by Each Employee: Gain insights into which employees are landing projects, allowing you to identify and reward top performers.
  • Project Status: Keep track of the status of all ongoing projects, from initiation to completion.
  • Purchased by Employees: Manage the purchasing of connects and other resources by employees to ensure accountability and budget control.

3. Call Sales Management

For businesses that rely on cold calling or leads from platforms like Bark, Over-Watch provides an integrated call sales management system:

  • Leads Storage: Store and organize all your leads in one place, making it easy to access and manage potential clients.
  • Follow-Up Reminders: Our system automatically reminds employees to contact leads every two days, ensuring timely follow-ups and increased conversion rates.
  • Priority Counter: This feature helps employees prioritize leads based on their potential, enabling them to focus on high-value prospects.
  • Project Management: Integrate your call sales efforts with project management to ensure a seamless transition from lead acquisition to project delivery.

4. Reporting System

Over-Watch’s powerful reporting system generates real-time reports to help you stay on top of your business performance. Key reporting features include:

  • Employee Performance Reports: Track the performance of individual employees, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Team Performance Reports: Assess the performance of your teams, helping you make informed decisions about training, resource allocation, and strategy.
  • Costing Reports: Monitor all costs associated with connects, leads buying, and outsourcing, ensuring that your expenditures align with your budget and business goals.

Why Choose Over-Watch?

Efficiency: Over-Watch streamlines your sales and project management processes, reducing time spent on administrative tasks and increasing productivity.

Insights: Gain valuable insights into your business operations with our comprehensive reporting system, helping you make data-driven decisions.

Scalability: Whether you're a small business or a growing enterprise, Over-Watch scales with your needs, providing the tools necessary to manage your sales and projects effectively.

Integration: Seamlessly integrate Over-Watch with other platforms and tools you use, creating a unified system that enhances collaboration and efficiency.


In an increasingly competitive marketplace, businesses need a powerful tool to manage their sales and projects effectively. Over-Watch provides a comprehensive solution that integrates project management, bid management, call sales management, and robust reporting features into a single platform. By choosing Over-Watch, you can enhance your operational efficiency, gain valuable insights, and drive business growth.

Embrace the future of sales management with Over-Watch and transform the way you do business.